P-Shot or Priapus Shot| PRP Therapy for Sexual Dysfunction
860-521-3921 info@facerxmd.com

P-Shot or Priapus Shot for Sexual Dysfunction

PRP Therapy For Sexual Dysfunction

P-shot also know as Priapus shot is a therapy that can help with sexual dysfunction, peyronie’s disease and promote sexual wellness . At our clinic, All Procedures performed by Board Certified Physician trained and certified in this providing this procedure. Additionally, Dr. Roshni Patel is a quadruple board certified physician with Regenerative medicine focus.

PRP Consist of many growth factors and regenerative effects of PRP may be used for erectile dysfunction (ED) and Peyronie’s disease (PD) treatment. Tt is important to mention that PRP therapy has the potential for treating male sexual dysfunction. Schedule your consultation today, Call us at 860-521-3921


The Priapus Shot or P-shot uses the platelets extracted from patients own blood and is used to  treat erectile dysfunction, Pyronine’s and revitalize the organ by encouraging new tissue growth. P shot helps men achieve stronger, firmer and longer erection.

How P Shot works?

The P Shot uses the patient’s own blood which is centrifuged and to extract concentrated platelets and growth factors which are then injected back into the penis using a tiny needle. Of course, the penis is numbed using lidocaine and is a very comfortable in office procedure.

The in-office procedure only takes 30-45 minutes.

What happens after you have received your P-shot? What does the P-shot do?

The growth factor and platelets immediately get to work on your organ and promoting healthier tissue. Overtime, you will start noticing stronger erections, straighter penis, helps with pyronine’s diseased pain, Improved circulation and healthier organ.

The P-Shot procedure is not painful at all as we use a numbing cream and use very tiny needle to inject platelets. You will also notice and increase in penis size. Get stronger and harder erections

All Procedures are done by Dr. Roshni Patel using state of the art equipment. Dr. Patel is a highly qualified and a leader in the field of regenerative medicine for both aesthetics, pain and musculoskeletal medicine.

Dr. Patel is a NYU trained quadruple board certified physician and the only woman physician in the world with board certification in the field of Neurology, Pain, Headache and Brain Injury Medicine. People avail to her expertise and demonstrated knowledge.