O-Shot: Orgasm Shot | Face R-X Medspa
860-521-3921 info@facerxmd.com

Ask us about the O-Shot, a revolutionary approach to improve sexual relations, painful sex and stop urinary incontinence. Schedule a consultation today, Call us at 860-521-3921 All procedures performed by board certified physician. About Dr. Roshni Patel, Dr. Patel is a leading Regenerative Medicine specialist for aesthetics, sexual dysfucntion, pain, spine, musculoskeletal and joint care. She uses your body’s natural healing ability to repair and rejuvenate using concentrated platelets rich plasma.

The Woman’s 5 Sex-Pleasure Problems & Why Doctors Stay Silent…

  • Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (usually but not always accompanies Sexual Desire Disorder). Women who suffer with this may want to have sex but have much difficulty finding the pleasure of arousal. The 5% incidence doesn’t sound like much until you think about it–that’s the same as one in 20!
  • Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (Low desire). Remember, that this is not counted a disorder unless it’s disrupting the woman’s life. Around 10% of women suffer with this problem. Important: Suffering with a sexual disorder does not simply make sex not fun. Better sex leads to more energy, more creativity, increased confidence, less depression, and improved overall health.
  • Female Orgasmic Disorder: Again around 1 in 20 (or 5%). Here women can become aroused but have much difficulty with orgasm. This can be so frustrating that sex becomes a frustration that they avoid.
  •  Dyspareunia: Here the woman suffers with real pain with sex (not from decreased lubrication or vaginal spasm). The incidence is from around 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 women.  (The above shocking statistics came from Obstetrics & Gynecology April 2011)

The result of this 20-minute procedure are dramatic and long lasting. Women report significant improvement in stimulation, sensitivity,arousal and sex drive. Urinary incontinence(both stress and urge) sometimes stops permanently.

Now available at Face rx medpsa, performed by Dr. Roshni Patel, leader in regenerative medicine for pain and aesthetic medicine.

Call 860-521-3921 to schedule your treatment.

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