Hairloss Prevention | Face R-X Medspa
truSculpt3d Body Contouring
March 28, 2018
June 26, 2018
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Hairloss Prevention

One of the most effective treatments for regenerative hair restoration involves #LIQUIDGOLD aka, platelet-rich plasma or PRP. Found inside your own body, PRP is a growth factor with incredible regenerative abilities when injected or microneedled back into the skin. We first draw a small amount of blood before processing it so that only the enriched growth factors remain. By injecting your body’s own growth factors into the area, the PRP acts as a fertilizer, stimulating cellular regeneration.

If preventative treatments begin early, the hair can be strengthened and the growth factors can limit and slow down hair loss. A series of treatments is needed initially followed longterm by regular treatments to maintain results. This treatment can be an added as a booster treatment to oral medications and topical shampoos or paired with other regenerative agents including our proprietary combination of stem cells

If you are experiencing or concerned with hair thinning or shedding, do not lose hope. With our multiple modality approach, we can slow down the symptoms of hair loss and even improve hair quality, thickness and fullness.

To learn more about #PRPTherapy for #HairRegeneration, please contact us for a consultation at

We treat hairloss using PRP at our West Hartford Medspa in Connecticut.

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