Submental Fullness | Face R-X Medspa
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Submental Fullness

Non-Surgical Options to Improve the Appearance of Submental Fullness

(Double Chin)

Several non-surgical, non-invasive medical treatment options exist for reduction of fat below the chin and jawline.  Choosing the remedy that is right for you should be based upon multiple factors such as your willingness or unwillingness to undergo a significant recovery period, the amount of fat in the area, the degree of flaccidity of the skin, your time availability, your medical history & current medical condition, your budget, your timeline and your goals.  Thanks to advances in technology and medical products, you can choose from a variety of very effective medical treatments and therapies.



Kybella® is an FDA approved compound proven to permanently destroy fat cells in the submental region.  It also has been seen to result in tightened skin to the treated area.  Kybella® permanently reduces submental fullness and is considered the “gold standard treatment” for the non-invasive reduction of double chins.

Great for:     Age 18 and up, mild to severe submental fullness

Recovery Period:  None, but there can be swelling, discomfort, bruising for 1 to 4 weeks

Ouch Factor:   Multiple micro-injections may cause discomfort during & after injecting

In-Office Time:   45 minutes to one hour

See Results When:   4 to 6 weeks

Skin Tightening?:   Yes



 Lipodissolve is a treatment utilizing a combination of compounds injected for the purpose of fat reduction.  The main ingredient used is Phosphytidylcholine, a natural product found in our body.  Lipodissolve has not been approved or intensely tested by the FDA for fat reduction or cosmetic purposes.  The use of Lipodissolve for cosmetic purposes is considered “off label” use.  “Off label” means that it has been approved or occurs naturally for one purpose, but providers are using it for a different purpose.  It has been used for reducing fat deposits for many years.

Great for:     Age 18 and up, mild to severe submental fullness

Recovery Period:   None, but there can be swelling, discomfort, bruising for 1 to 4 weeks

Ouch Factor:  Multiple micro-injections may cause discomfort during & after injecting

In-Office Time:     45 minutes to one hour

See Results When:     4 to 6 weeks

Skin Tightening:    Insufficient scientific data; skin tightening has been noted clinically


 RadioFrequency Technology

The thermal reaction radio frequency causes in the body tissue stimulates the body’s natural healing response and the subsequent creation of new cells. Collagen fibers respond by contracting and tightening as they heat and give birth to new cells, leading to tighter skin.  The heat from the radio frequency energy also shrinks fat cells.  The treatment can reduce fat in the lower face and neck plus tighten the skin on the lower face and neck to provide a more distinct jawline.


Great for:         Age 18 and up, mild to moderate submental fullness

Beautiful Effects for:     6 to 9 months (maintenance treatments recommended)

Recovery Period:     None

Ouch Factor:      Comfortable treatment

In-Office Time:   1 hour every 3 weeks, total of 3 to 5 treatments

See Results When?:    Some immediately, remainder at 3 weeks to 3 months

Skin Tightening?:     Yes



Frequently Asked Questions about LipoDissolve

What is Lipodissolve?
Lipodissolve is an innovative alternative to liposuction that involves a series of micro-injections that dissolve unwanted areas of fat. The injection consists of a mixture of phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxcholate (DC), which are substances that occur naturally in the human body.

How does Lipodissolve work?
Phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate (PCDC) micro-injections are delivered into the targeted treatment areas. The fat cells absorb the PCDC and become slightly inflamed and then harden. The hardened fat cells break down within a few weeks and are eliminated via the body’s natural processes.

What is PCDC?
Phosphatidycholine (PPC) is a naturally occurring substance within the body that comprises up to 60% of cell membranes, facilitates cell membrane transport, and is a component in bile that is responsible for emulsifying the fat we consume in our diet for absorption. The PPC used in most injectable fat reducing formulas is derived from the soybean lecithin. Deoxycholate, present in the body as sodium deoxycholate, is a bile salt that functions to make PPC soluble in water. It acts as a detergent and also aids in the breakdown of fat consumed in our diet.

How does it work?
First, the injected solution disrupts the fat cell membrane. This causes the cells to burst, releasing their enzymes and fatty content. Second, an inflammatory response ensures, allowing the debris to be “cleaned up” by the macrophages that have migrated to the area. This inflammation is responsible for the redness and soreness but also allows for tissue retraction. Lastly, new collagen is deposited in the area, causing skin retraction with denser, firmer skin character. The fat and cellular debris that are removed are collected as waste and excreted through the body’s normal metabolic pathways, through the urinary and bowel systems.

What body parts can be treated and how often?
Areas that can be treated with Lipodissolve include the inner and outer thighs, buttocks, and love handles, back of the arms, the upper and lower abdomen, the chin and jowls, knees, upper and lower back. It can also be used for various conditions such as localized fat reduction, skin-retraction, stretch marks, cellulite, fatty breast reduction in men and cellulite. It also improves skin tone and elasticity, and increases collagen production. Most people return in 2-4 weeks and require 4-6 treatments to achieve the results they desire.

Are the treatments painful? What are the side effects?
There may be some localized discomfort upon injection, and a minor burning sensation immediately following the treatment. Swelling will occur in the treated area, and soreness and inflammation may be experienced for several days after treatment. It is important to bear in mind that these inflammatory side effects produce a tighter and smoother overlying skin, which is highly desirable. Localized bruising, nausea, headache, and diarrhea have also been reported. Your fat area becoming firm is a sign the treatment is working. As your body breaks down the treated fat cells, they are excreted through the body’s normal metabolic process.

Any activity restrictions after treatment?
For the first 48 hours after a treatment, vigorous physical activity or exercise is not recommended. After that time period, playing sports or exercising is acceptable.

When will I see results?
On the average, patients begin to see noticeable improvement after 2-4 sessions. While many experience results sooner, we cannot guarantee this. For the first several weeks while the body’s inflammatory response is prominent, you may feel “bloated” in the treated area. This is expected and only temporary. Once the body begins metabolizing the fat, contour improvement occurs.

Is it permanent?
The average person is born with a certain number of fat cells and after adolescence does not develop more. Lipodissolve will permanently remove fat cells in the area of treatment, leaving only a thin layer of cells, unless a large amount of weight is gained, because the fat dissolving formula actually destroys fat cells. If a person gains weight, the treated area can become larger because some fat cells still remain. However, the treated area should remain proportionate with the surrounding areas.

Does it result in weight loss?
No. Lipodissolve helps dissolve stubborn fat deposits, but it does not result in weight loss.

How many procedures have been performed?
More than 50,000 procedures have been done internationally since the mid 90s.

How does it differ from Liposuction?
Both procedures permanently remove unwanted fat. However, Lipodissolve is a non-invasive procedure; unlike liposuction, there is no anesthesia, no surgery, and no downtime.

Who is a good candidate?
The best candidates for Lipodissolve have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 30 and unwanted deposits of fat that have responded poorly to diet and exercise.

Candidates with the following conditions should NOT be treated with Lipodissolve:

  • Pregnancy/Lactation
  • Allergic to Soy/eggs
  • IDDM
  • Gross Obesity (50 lbs. or more overweight)
  • Multiple Cardiac Drugs
  • Needle Phobia
  • Elderly
  • Acute Febrile Illness
  • Anticoagulant Therapy
  • Debilitated Individuals
  • Acute Superficial Thrombophlebitis
  • NIDDM *obtain approval of patients physician
  • Under 18 years of age
  • Liver or kidney problems
  • Dermal Lesions
  • Those who prefer procedures that are FDA approved

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages, anti-inflammatories (such as Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Celebrex, etc.), aspirin, Vitamin E, Ginko Biloba, & other nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs (arthritis medicine) THREE DAYS PRIOR TO TREATMENT, in order to reduce possible side effects of bruising/swelling in the areas of treatment.
  • Bring loose fitting clothing for treatments of the body due to slight swelling. A girdle type garment may be worn to provide support (especially for the abdomen/saddlebag area). Body slimmers (Target brand) or something similar will be adequate.
  • Eat a light meal or snack 1 ½ hours before appointment




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